It’s been quite some time since I updated my blog. Wonder what I could update about….Wait a minute!!! I just came back from the National Conference 2010 R.I.U.T…RISK IT, U-TURN!!!
This has only been my second national awesome camp/conference for this lifetime since I became an outgoing Christian, involving in church, Christian fellowships and all. And I am all out for this conference (my first was ranger’s camp, CAMPORAMA).
Even in the first day, I believed that things have started to move, my bus that was supposed to send us from PJ to PD got stuck in the middle of the highway, due to engine failure, and all of us just have to get down from the bus, since it was hot up there. I was the only UNITEN there. So the only thing that came to my mind naturally was mixing around even though, frankly, I still have that shy feeling deep within me, no matter… I still have to step out of that boundary once in a while. It was awesome just waiting for that bus to come over from who knows where. But I have gotten to know the UTAR, KAMPAR students. Then just randomly mixing with others, one of them was my ex-classmate, Lyon Chua from STAR.
When I have gotten there, things were even more AWESOMER, hard to explain why but there were number of extraordinary stuff that I heard, not to mention my housemates who are awesome where they come from, many stories to hear from, and so many things to share together, I have felt like family just being with NC 2010 for only a week.
A lot of great experience and eye opening events/talks. I have gotten to know that God’s heart for His people out there, is to speak for INJUSTICE, RACISM, OPRESSION. It have left something in my heart and spirit to do something for this nation, I have want to make a DIFFERENCE. It was also something for me to refresh my spirit which was a long time ago not being stagnant already.
Met new awesome friends from small group: THIAN YEE JIN, HANNAH, GERALDINE, ANDREAS, MACDONALD (seriously).
Housemates which are awesome too including: ROWEN, ANDREAS, MACDONALD, LARRY, KING WEI.
I met some many people from KLANG too, including ALEXANDER LEE, MELANIE YONG, YEAP LI SA, KEL SON, YIEN FANG.
There are some many people who I have network with as well, from MMU, CYBERJAYA, UPM, USM, USM KKJ and many more… too many to remember. We will continue to serve alongside each other, remember that pilgrims!!!
So many people serve God everywhere in this generation. I want to be part of it too, and have been chosen by God personally for this season. Wanna make this impact wherever I am, not forgetting my pilgrims that have been helping me thru this conference. Let us make an IMPACT and RISK IT U-TURN for Christ sake. Stand out for His sake.